Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pood what?

I was talking to my grandma recently and she was commenting on my weight loss. She asked me how the excersizing was going and I excitedly announced 

(If you don't understand the following statement, this post is for you... keep reading!)

"My double unders and kips are really improving and I can finally do a HSPU! Yesterday I did Fran and for today's WOD I RX'd the Snatch and TGU with a heavier pood than normal, even though I felt like I was so close to DNFing because it was a 15 min AMRAP with 5 burpees EMOM"! 

To which she replied... "what about your mom?" 

Seriously though, does the crossfit "cult" really have their own language? Well sort of, but the secret is out. Here is the skinny on some of our popular muscle building lingo mentioned in the sentence above...

Sentence Translation:
  • Double Unders: When jumping rope, the rope goes under your feet twice for each time you jump
  • Kip: A motion used to gain momentum to complete desired movement

  • HSPU: Hand Stand Push Up
  • Fran: There are 21 "Girl Named"  predefined crossfit workouts, Fran being the first one written and one of the most famous
  • WOD: Workout Of the Day
  • RX’d: As prescribed; as written. WOD done without any adjustments
  • Snatch: A weight lifting movement where you lift a barbell over head in one fluid motion
  • TGU: Turkish Get Up

  • Pood: Russian measure used for kettlebells; common ones: 1 pood =36 lbs; 1.5 pood = 54 lbs; 2 pood = 72 lbs.
  • kettlebell
  • DNF: Did Not Finish
  • AMRAP: As Many Reps or Rounds as Possible
  • Burpee: Also known as "squat-thrusts" from your high-school PT days. Basically a pushup followed by a jumping jack (not a great video, but you get the idea)
  • EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute 
What did I miss? Ask some questions... get some answers...

Friday, June 8, 2012

Girl Talk: Keepin' them Up, and Strappin' them Down

OK Ladies, if you're anything like me and have played sports all of your life, then you may have experimented with at least a hundred different sports bras before finding one that you were really happy with.  Options generally range from cute but completely non-supportive (sounds like some men I've dated, jk) to ridiculously overpriced.

There are plenty of special needs, especially for those women who are rocking the alphabet south of yours truly, but for the ABC crowd who are looking to "set it and forget it" without breaking the bank, I'd like to recommend a sturdy and affordable candidate.

I'm sure there are some purists out there that only buy athletic gear from speciality retailers and would never think to find decent items at the same place you get shampoo and paper towels. I thought this too, until I found these gems at Target. Like lots of brands now under the mighty bullseye's umbrella, Champion's C9 line of men and women's items is made (and priced) just for Target.

The two varieties I love are the Racerback and the Seamless Cami.  This provides some variety of straps depending on what you may want to wear over it. And they both come in tons of colors so you can reject the standard white if that's just not your style.

 Best of all, they are easy on the wallet at a cool $16.99. Looking for same items on Champion's website will turn up prices between $26-$32 for the same product. 

 These are literally the only sports bras I buy anymore. I feel contained without feeling suffocated and after many, many washes they have not lost their elasticity.

Sure I think lululemon's stuff is cute as kittens, but ultimately I need to reside somewhere other than the shopping bags of all of my workout clothes. Next time you're making a "Target run", stop by the women's athletic section and give it a try. You may be plesantly suprised.